Flat roof 5 bedroom duplex house plan

Beds: 5
Baths: 6


Flat roof 5 bedroom duplex house plan

This unique 5-bedroom duplex is designed to meet small modern house plan requirements, you have three bedrooms located at the ground floor level while the master’s and madam’s bedrooms are located on the first floor serving as a penthouse.

house design tool

The main lounge,  dining, and bar are connected as a single unit space and you have the staircase area located close to the dining point. The main lounge is designed as a two-sitting room arrangement, you have two entrance locations, one is at the front while the other is at the right side of the 5-bedroom duplex apartment.

As you enter through the front entrance porch, you will have access to the visitor toilet or the main lounge area, once you enter the main lounge, you can walk through this staircase at your right-hand side to access the master and madam bedrooms located on the pent floor. or you can use the door that leads you to a lobby which connects you to the kitchen and the other 3 rooms located on the ground floor.

 The kitchen is disconnected from the main lounge and dining area and located towards the back end of the apartment and is big enough and has a moderate sit out which can be used for relaxation when the need arises, all other features of the unique house plan are designed to meet your expectations, almost all the rooms have large toilet system and a walk-in closet.

This small modern 5-bedroom duplex has a front entrance porch, back, and side sit-out area with a unique sit-out arrangement at the penthouse level. If this overview is in line with your expectations, you can purchase the complete pdf house plan set or request to chat with any of our house plan professionals

if you need further clarification about this house design concept. you can also request for modification plan if you want us to make small internal changes to this house plan. let me know what you think about this house plan concept in the comment section.


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  • Plan ID:
  • Floor plan area(sqft):
    2263.33 sqft
  • Floor plan dimensions(ft):
    42.32 x 53.48 ft
  • Rooms:
  • Beds:
  • Baths:
  • Plan Status:
  • Floor Plan Price (₦):
  • 6 Hard Copy Price (₦):
  • Auto Cad Set Price (₦):
  • Architectural seal/stamp Price (₦):
  • Structural seal Price (₦):
  • Electrical seal Price (₦):
  • Mechanical seal Price (₦):

Cost of Plan Set

  • PDF Set Price:
  • Floor Plan Price:
  • 6 Hard Copy Price:
  • Auto Cad Set Price:

Seal Options

  • Architectural seal/stamp Price:
  • Structural seal Price:
  • Electrical seal Price:
  • Mechanical seal Price:


  • 5 bedroom duplex


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