This beautifully designed 5 bedroom duplex house plan has all that is needed in a duplex house plan. The sitting room is connected to a spiral staircase. it has a study room, dinning hall with kitchen and a laundry unit. There is still additional living lounge at the first floor and all the rooms are standard room. it is suitable for a plot of land of about 50 x 100 ft and above. Feel free to contact me.
- Plan ID:7762
- Floor plan area(sqft):2353.3 sqft
- Floor plan dimensions(ft):43.63 X 64.63 ft
- Rooms:5
- Beds:5
- Baths:6
- Plan Status:
- Floor Plan Price (₦):25000
- 6 Hard Copy Price (₦):270000
- Auto Cad Set Price (₦):539997
- Architectural seal/stamp Price (₦):30000
- Structural seal Price (₦):10000
- Electrical seal Price (₦):5000
- Mechanical seal Price (₦):5000
Cost of Plan Set
- PDF Set Price:₦180,000
- Floor Plan Price:₦25000
- 6 Hard Copy Price:₦270000
- Auto Cad Set Price:₦539997
Seal Options
- Architectural seal/stamp Price:₦30000
- Structural seal Price:₦10000
- Electrical seal Price:₦5000
- Mechanical seal Price:₦5000
- 5 bedroom duplex
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