House plan – Flamboyant 4 Bedroom Apartment
Looking for a Flamboyant 4 Bedroom house plan? Request for the floor plan and feel the difference. it is design just for you . The main sitting room and the children’s sitting room are connected to the dinning area and all the rooms are en-suite.
It has a stand alone kitchen along side a laundry room and a store for keeping food stuffs. The master bedroom has a small sit-out place for relaxation during heat period. Check the specification below to see more detail or request for the floor plan to see all dimension of this 4 bedroom house plan.
Plan ID:0986
Floor plan area(sqft):2217.10 sqft
Floor plan dimensions(ft):48.23 x 55.45 ft
Plan Status:
Floor Plan Price (₦):10000
6 Hard Copy Price (₦):135000
Auto Cad Set Price (₦):270000
Architectural seal/stamp Price (₦):30000
Structural seal Price (₦):10000
Electrical seal Price (₦):5000
Mechanical seal Price (₦):5000
Cost of Plan Set
PDF Set Price:₦90,000
Floor Plan Price:₦10000
6 Hard Copy Price:₦135000
Auto Cad Set Price:₦270000
Seal Options
Architectural seal/stamp Price:₦30000
Structural seal Price:₦10000
Electrical seal Price:₦5000
Mechanical seal Price:₦5000
- 4 bedroom bungalow
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