This unique five bedroom duplex is design to meet modern standard house plan requirement, you have three bedrooms located at the ground floor level while the master and madam bedroom are located at the first floor serving as a pent house.
- Plan ID:5439
- Floor plan area(sqft):2222 sqft
- Floor plan dimensions(ft):14 x 26 ft
- Rooms:5
- Beds:5
- Baths:6
- Plan Status:
- Floor Plan Price (₦):25000
- 6 Hard Copy Price (₦):255000
- Auto Cad Set Price (₦):382000
- Architectural seal/stamp Price (₦):30000
- Structural seal Price (₦):10000
- Electrical seal Price (₦):5000
- Mechanical seal Price (₦):5000
Cost of Plan Set
- PDF Set Price:₦170,000
- Floor Plan Price:₦25000
- 6 Hard Copy Price:₦255000
- Auto Cad Set Price:₦382000
Seal Options
- Architectural seal/stamp Price:₦30000
- Structural seal Price:₦10000
- Electrical seal Price:₦5000
- Mechanical seal Price:₦5000
- 5 bedroom duplex
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