In-situ and precast concrete processes and uses

In-situ and precast concrete processes and uses
In construction engineering, there are different ways in which concrete(in-situ or precast) is being prepared for use at job sites. This is because every job site does not require the same technique and methods. The in-situ concrete is mostly used for smaller construction jobs at the site due to its nature.
On the other hand, precast concrete is preferable for larger construction projects because of it quality, efficiency and economic nature. To understand the concept of in-situ and precast concrete one will need to know the meaning, processes, advantages, and their uses over each other.

This can still be referred to as site-cast concrete. it is the type of concrete work that does not require much quality control process.
It is being prepared on the construction site base on their mix ratio and poured to reinforce concrete form work at jobs site. it is mostly suitable for smaller construction jobs.
As oppose to the the in situ concrete this type of concrete preparation requires strict adherence to quality control process. it is being prepared base on their concrete mix design and not concrete mix ratio.
The process involves preparing the concrete in a more controlled environment, pouring the concrete in prefer reinforce mold shapes and sizes and allowing it to gain maximum strength before taking it to the site for assemble. it is mostly suitable for larger construction jobs.
1 The in-situ concrete is more cost friendly when use in smaller construction but can be very cost ineffective when used for larger construction projects. This is because cost of labor and materials for larger jobs will be too high to procure.
On the other hand the precast concrete will not be cost friendly for smaller construction jobs but will be very cost friendly for larger construction jobs. This is because the cost of procurement of materials and time requirement for smaller jobs will be enough to complete the whole job.
2. The in-situ concrete does not need to be carried about from one point to the other and this makes it easier to handle small construction jobs
while the precast concrete will need mechanical means to fix the concrete into position and this will lead to high cost if used in smaller construction projects.
3. The preparation of in-situ concrete is controlled by variable factors like temperature change, humidity, wind etc. which can greatly affect the maximum required strength of concrete and can result to poor concrete work.
for the precast concrete the preparation is always done in a more controlled environment and cognizance is always taking into account for its maximum strength before taking it to construction site.
4. The in-situ concrete requires lot of concrete form works and labors at job site which can increase cost of buy and re buying of materials and hiring of labor at job site.
while the precast cast concrete requires less labor and no form work material to assemble it at construction site.
5. For the in-situ concrete there is always the tendency to waste materials during pouring of concrete into form works since it is always done by unskilled labors and in an uncontrolled environment.
while the precast concrete tend to minimize concrete waste to the barest minimum since it is always done by skilled workers and in a more controlled way by mechanical means.
Uses of in-situ concrete and precast concrete
The both concrete methods are suitable for use in construction works projects the preferred one to use at any particular site will largely depends on the nature, type and sizes and accuracy of the projects.
if you are embarking on a small scale building plan project considering adopting the in-situ concrete methods since it is always cheaper to implement.
On the other hand if you are embarking on a large scale construction projects you can adopt the precast concrete method for more efficient, durability and uniformity of the work project.
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